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stamp edition

A simple design with a percussion instrument as its motif. A colorful plastic assembly stool made in France.

  • 製品名: Tamtam Krystal
    サイズ: 300φ×H450mm(座面部306φ)
    カラー: ナチュラル、キャンディー、マンゴー、インディゴ、チェリー、ライム、シルバー、コーヒー
    素 材: スチレンアクリロニトリル樹脂
    質 量: 1.3kg(本体のみ)
    耐荷重: 100kg

    Product Name: Tamtam Krystal
    Size: 300φ × H450mm (seat portion 306φ)
    Color: Natural, candy, mango, indigo, cherry, lime, Grey, coffee
    Material: styrene acrylonitrile resin
    Mass: 1.3kg (body only)
    Load capacity: 100kg

  • 1968年にフランス人デザイナーのアンリ・マソネ氏によって開発されました。ブランド名でもある打楽器をモチーフにしたシンプルなデザインのスツールは、70年代を象徴するデザイナーズ家具のひとつとして、これまで約半世紀にもわたり世界中の人々から支持されています。
  • 高精度で強度のあるパーツを量産するために、開発当初から一貫してフランス国内での製造にこだわっています。
  • 3種のパーツで構成された上下対称の形状は、組立が容易に可能です。また未使用時には解体して積み重ねることで、コンパクトなサイズになります。
  • スツールの中に小物を合わせることでアレンジが可能なスケルトンシリーズです。

We have decided to start selling STAMP EDITION Company's top item, the "Tam Tam" series.

The product was created in 1968 by French designer Henry Massonet. The simply-designed stool, with a motif of a percussion instrument that the brand is also named after, has been loved for half a century and is loved by people around the world as a designers' furniture representing the 70s.

In order to manufacture strong and high-quality parts for the product, the company is very particular since its founding about manufacturing only in France. The vertically symmetrical shapes formed with 3 types of parts make it easy to assemble. Moreover, when the chair is not in use you can take it apart and stack it to contain in a compact space.

This is a skeleton series you can arrange simply by placing small items inside the stool.





"TamTam", an assembly stool, was created in 1968 in the city Nurieux of eastern France by Henry Massonet, a manager of a plastic material molding factory at the time. The product is characterized by its simple design with the percussion instrument that is also the name of the brand as a motif. At the time, the product was used as a simple stool for fishing and had poor sales. However, after a magazine published an article with a photograph of the French actress Brigitte Bardot using the stool, the product gained much public attention.

In 1973, due to the effects of the oil shock, manufacturing this product temporarily became extremely difficult. However, by keeping in mind their philosophy for reasonable prices and practicality, the started selling more and more products as time went on. While the product later gains spotlight as a designer furniture piece that represents the 70s, as commodification progressed in the 80s the product seemed to leave people's lives and memories.

After a few decades, however, "TamTam" faced a turning point lead by Sasha Cohen, a manager of a grocery store. He was deeply moved by "TamTam" when he obtained it coincidentally through his hobby of collecting furniture. Cohen then founded Branex Design Company in 2002 and started a furniture business. And in that same year, at an interior design international trade fair called Maison & Objet, Branex presented a whole new lineup of these stools as a designers' furniture with materials and colors no one had ever seen. The brand continues to gain attention through its presentation of new and revolutionary products such as stool-shaped lamps and speaker systems.

And since 2014, Stamp Company has followed up with older manufacturing techniques and lineup of products

  • カラー:Natural

  • カラー:Candy

  • カラー:Mango

  • カラー:Indigo

  • カラー:Cherry

  • カラー:Coffee

  • カラー:Grey

  • カラー:Lime

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